Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Opening my door...

"When one door closes, another opens; but we often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door that we do not see the one which has opened for us." ~Alexander Graham Bell

In October of 2008, I had a door close. I was laid off from the design firm that I helped to create in 2001. The layoff didn't come as a great surprise, due to the economy, but that didn't help it to sting any less when it actually happened. Determined not to let Bell's quote become true for me, I immediately looked for a new adventure. That adventure turned into starting my own online Etsy shoppe selling custom card designs for special occasions. (www.PaisleyPrintsEtc.etsy.com)

For the first 9 years of my professional career, I provided design services for a mix of corporate and private accounts. Although all the glory was supposed to be from landing a big corporate account, it had always been the small private/family projects that I loved the most. Whether it was holiday cards, baby announcements or party invitations, I received much more personal satisfaction from those small run projects than I did from designing a brochure that would be mailed out to thousands of people. It had to do with the fact that I knew, in my own small way, that I was helping to make their special event just a bit more special.

Granted, my newfound career on etsy doesn't pay nearly as well as my last job (at least not yet), but I love it nonetheless. I am extremely fortunate to have a loving husband/best friend who cheers me on daily. His favorite words of encouragement are, "There's no designer finer!" (smiles). I "heart" him.

Part of my reason for starting this blog is let others inside my head for a moment (that's scary), but another part is to record, for myself, my journey on Etsy. Last week marked my 50th sale and 100th person to "heart" my shoppe! It's fun to know that over a hundred people have liked my products so well that they bookmarked the shoppe to stop back again later.

A long standing motto in my household has been that, Life is an adventure and it's up to us to make it a fun one! So, here's to new adventures. I'll try to keep you posted as to how it's going for me!

1 comment:

  1. I just took a brief glimpse at your site, Angela, and it looks awesome! I might have to try you out for Tyler's one year invitations! :) ~Deb M.
